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Register Designer (Chartered Engineer)

Ervaring: > 5-25 years
Branche: beton-staal
Subdiscipline: staalbouw
Type baan: permanent (w&s)
Locatie: Randstad/ Hybride
Aanvang: january 2025

“There is always a bigger fish” may be true? Bigger, more beautiful, and more complex come together perfectly in the role of Register Designer within this leading international engineering firm.

TECHNICHE ‘building careers’ with over 35 years of experience is a transparent and discreet recruitment and selection agency. We facilitate the next step in your career. For more information, call +31 10 – 766 1000 ask for Michel Uijlenbroek

Defining and solving clients’ problems;
Applying technical expertise and experiences;
Analytically assessing the feasibility of issues;
Proposing/ advising alternatives;
Transferring knowledge and expertise to colleagues;
Monitoring and supervising projects;
Innovating and expanding know-how within the organization.

Bachelor’s/ Master’s degree with registration in the Constructeursregister RO;
> 5-25 years.

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TECHNICHE – building careers

Meer weten over ons

TECHNICHE werkt professioneel, transparant en zéér persoonlijk. Samen met jou kijken we naar de kansen en de mogelijkheden om je opleiding, je kennis en je ervaring optimaal te benutten en in te zetten in je toekomstige functie.

M.A. Uijlenbroek

Algemeen directeur